Survival Medicine: Signs And Field Treatments For Heat Illnesses

Who hasn’t worked up a sweat before, doing both favored and dreaded outdoor chores and activities in the summer heat. That familiarity makes it hard to imagine actually dying that way, because of something as simple as heat. Our ever cheerful friends at the CDC have cited that there are approximately 1,220 heat related deaths each year in the United States, with the majority of heat-related deaths being among males.

Since this summer is running hotter than the last few summers, it’s more important than ever to monitor yourself and those around you for heat related illnesses (aka hyperthermia). The high humidity and summertime temperatures can cause these illnesses to come on fast, as your sweat fails to evaporate in humid weather and the air temps are near or higher than your body temperature. Symptoms of heat illness can manifest in different forms, but they are generally divided into two conditions - heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion occurs when the body’s core temperature goes into a hyperthermic state (you are over 100 degrees F). When the air temperature is higher than normal body temperature, this condition can easily occur. Inadequate hydration, other medical issues and heavy exertion can aggravate this situation. Watch out for symptoms like dizziness and unusual tiredness, with copious sweating and clammy feeling skin.

Field treatment for heat exhaustion is easy, and it generally remedies the situation. But you must catch heat exhaustion early – before it becomes heat stroke. To treat yourself or someone else for heat exhaustion, follow these steps:

• Have the patient lie down, in the shade if possible

• Elevate their feet

• Give them plenty of fluids until they recover fully

• If the patient is elderly, or has any health issues, call 911 if that is an option

Heat Stroke

Severe hyperthermia is known as heat stroke. It is known by a high body temperature of 104 degrees or higher, hot dry skin, headache, dizziness and unconsciousness. The easiest symptom to spot is the dry skin. If the weather is hot, and someone has stopped sweating, you should take that symptom very seriously.

Heat stroke can be fatal, so call 911 immediately if you or someone else is showing these symptoms. For field treatment of heat stroke:

• Get the patient to the coolest place possible

• Elevate their head – not their feet as you would do for heat exhaustion!

• Wrap them in cool wet clothing or a wet sheet. Pour cool water on the cloth and fan the patient to bring their temperature down. When their temperature drops below 104 degrees, take away the wet stuff and cover them with dry fabric or clothing.

• Repeat the treatment if their temperature begins to rise again.

• If the patient goes unconscious before or during treatment, watch for cardiac arrest and be prepared to resuscitate them.

Prevention and awareness of possible heat illness symptoms will be your best remedy to this common and occasionally deadly medical condition. Rest and hydrate often throughout your outdoor activities; and pay attention to the warnings that the human body will give you.

Written by Tim MacWelch First draft published on

Tim MacWelch