So what did they put in their wilderness survival kits 100 years ago? Funny you should ask...
Read MoreSpark up a fire with a methods that is thousands of years old! Try REAL flint & steel.
Read MoreLearn to make this fire starting super-fuel with simple everyday materials.
Read MoreDon't believe the hype! These five myths are commonly believed - and WRONG!
Read MoreSometimes you just need the right tool for the job, and in the darkness, the right tool can be a light source.
Read MoreMost outdoor enthusiasts know that acorns can be turned into a food resource for people (see my previous blogs), but this isn't the only helpful thing that oak trees can provide.
Read MoreWhat can you do when you're hurt and far away from help? Here are three things to help you navigate a "delayed help" wilderness medical emergency.
Read MoreThe art of tracking is an age-old skill set, providing valuable information to the tracker.
Read MoreThis amazing selection of foods and supplies will last for decades, without any special care!
Read MoreReady to eat bugs? Here are three groups of insects to consider.
Read MoreAre you storing the right foods for a short term back-up supply? Make sure you have plenty of shelf-stable food that is easy to prepare and that your family will be glad to eat.
Read MoreShould you ever drink urine in a survival setting? Guess what I'm going to say about it.
Read MoreSnake bites are significant medical events, but don't make them worse by using outdated first aid procedures.
Read MoreTake these steps to limit your exposure to tick bites!
Read MoreSurvival requires hard work, but is there a time when you should pause your efforts?
Read MoreWith the right food choices, packaging and storage conditions, ordinary foods can last an extraordinary length of time.
Read MoreGoats are many things to many people and they might just become your favorite farm animal, once you understand their behavior and what they can provide.
Read MoreHunger can be powerfully persuasive, but don't let your appetite drive you to eat something that merely resembles a known food plant or mushroom.
Read MoreHuman beings can be very lazy and prone to procrastination when it comes to certain tasks, but we can’t afford to shirk our duties when it comes to survival.
Read MoreTree nuts aren't the only wild resource in autumn. These four wild medicinal plants are ready to harvest as the weather gets cooler.
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