Sky Meadows Foraging Classes

Sky Meadows Foraging Classes


There’s wild food all around us, and in these courses – we’ll open your eyes to the vast number of edible and useful plants in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Many plants to enjoy!

Seasonal Wild Edible Plant Classes

In just one day, you’ll learn to identify roughly three dozen wild plants. Learn which ones are good to eat, how they can be used, and which plants to avoid. Our Sky Meadows class is active and far roaming, as we’ll hike about 4 miles of the park during our full-day course. Learn to identify the edibles of each season - fruits, berries, leaves, roots and so much more. You’ll even receive a foraging booklet that we produce for each class, yours as a take-home reminder of all the plants you experienced in your course.

One day Edible Plant classes for 2025

April 6 - Spring Wild Edible Plants - $149
June 14 - Summer Wild Edible Plants - $149
November 22 - Fall Wild Edible Plants - $149

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Course Times: 10 am to 5 pm at Sky Meadows

Course Locations: Held at Sky Meadows State Park in Deleplane, Virginia. Detailed driving directions are emailed after enrollment.

Required Equipment: Bring a bag lunch and drinks for yourself, appropriate clothing and wet weather gear for the expected weather, and a pen to take notes.

Recommended Equipment: The Sky Meadows classes involves about 4 miles of walking. We recommend hiking footwear and a backpack.